This eye-catching ensemble of soft hues, consists of a top and trousers crafted from an Indian Kantha blanket, reworked by the master artisans in our Berlin atelier. Complementing the outfit, a macrame bowl bag adds a touch of bohemian flair,...
Crystal Flacon Blue Big
The Crystal Flacon Blue Big was treasure hunted in Europe. This colorful and elegant flacon could be the perfect touch to dress up your table for the festivities coming soon. Explore our carefully curated treasures and discover gifts for your loved ones or...
Crystal Flacon Blue Medium
The Crystal Flacon Blue Medium was treasure hunted in Europe. This colorful and elegant flacon could be the perfect touch to dress up your table for the festivities coming soon. Explore our carefully curated treasures and discover gifts for your loved ones or...
Crystal Flacon Blue Small
The Crystal Flacon Blue Small was treasure hunted in Europe. This colorful and elegant flacon could be the perfect touch to dress up your table for the festivities coming soon. Explore our carefully curated treasures and discover gifts for your loved ones or...
Crystal Flacon Green
The Crystal Flacon Green was treasure hunted in Europe. This colorful and elegant flacon could be the perfect touch to dress up your table for the festivities coming soon. Explore our carefully curated treasures and discover gifts for your loved ones or yourself!...
Crystal Flacon Green Medium
The Crystal Flacon Green Medium was treasure hunted in Europe. This colorful and elegant flacon could be the perfect touch to dress up your table for the festivities coming soon. Explore our carefully curated treasures and discover gifts for your loved ones or...
Crystal Flacon Green Small
The Crystal Flacon Green Small was treasure hunted in Europe. This colorful and elegant flacon could be the perfect touch to dress up your table for the festivities coming soon. Explore our carefully curated treasures and discover gifts for your loved ones or...
Crystal Flacon Medium
The Crystal Flacon Medium was treasure hunted in Europe. This colorful and elegant flacon could be the perfect touch to dress up your table for the festivities coming soon. Explore our carefully curated treasures and discover gifts for your loved ones or yourself!...
Crystal Flacon Orange Medium
The Crystal Flacon Orange Medium was treasure hunted in Europe. This colorful and elegant flacon could be the perfect touch to dress up your table for the festivities coming soon. Explore our carefully curated treasures and discover gifts for your loved ones or...